Mr Ubani, the phenomenal writer and political analyst stressed on the current state of Governance, comparing it with the former, the Goodluck Ebele led government.

 Nigeria has in recent times been at the lowest ebb of governance. We have been besetted with a leadership which lacks ideas, vision,  modern administrative reforms and the political will to turn around the economy of Nigeria positively, in continuity of the former Nigerian president, Dr Ebele Goodluck Jonathan administration reforms. 

“ According to the International Transparency Index, Nigeria under the watch of Jonathan administration recorded the fastest growing economy in Africa, while in the world global index Nigeria was amongst the first 10th. This information can be verified.

“Goodluck Jonathan carefully managed the Nigeria economy irrespective of the insecurity challenges which was politically motivated; it wouldn’t be a surprise if proper underground investigation is carried out and it rebounds to Buhari’s government, he partly said.

He reiterated on the Buhari threat if he didn’t win the 2015 election, stressing how Boko Haram nominated the Nigerians first citizen as chief negotiator.

“ We can recall when Buhari said before 2015 general elections, “if I don’t win elections, the hyena and the baboons will soak in blood”. Before this unwelcome provoking statement was made, the Boko-Haram terrorist has once a time nominated him as their negotiator or mediator between them and the Federal government of Nigeria.

“ Furthermore, when the federal government was crushing down, killing, apprehending and executing the terrorists in the northern region where a state of emergency was declared at the North East by then president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, in other to free and protect the region from being taken over or controlled by the terrorists.

“ Buhari raised his chameleon voice questioning the action of the federal government for a declaring state of emergency in the northern region. He described, “the actions of the federal government of declaring state of emergency in the northern region as a graveyard, plotted to wipe the entire region” in other way round, to make it clear to a layman understanding it means (the fight against the terrorist is the fight against the north).

“ Buhari issued this statement through his then political party publicity secretary Lai Mohammed, Congress for Progressive Change(CPC). Lai Mohammed is today the current All Progressive Congress (APC) Minister for Culture, Information and Strategy under Buhari’s administration. He said.

“ In a sane democratic country, where there is an intelligent strong institution and the country’s law is a respecter of no body, such statement shouldn’t have been overlooked or swept under the carpet. Such statement is legible enough to disqualify a candidate while also facing trial for inciting violence which can threaten the unity and the peace of Nigeria.

He continued by reminding his number ours readers how northern political hoteheads, Including Atiku, connived against the president Goodluck Ebele government, Irrespective of party– and the involvement of Barack Obama, America.

“ Around September 2014, before the general election which had been scheduled to hold in 2015 when almost all the northern governors and other prominent politician has defected to All Progressive Congress(APC).

“ The northern governors formed an alliance to grab power back to the northern region, they held a meeting and some few northern governors who didn’t want to defect to APC or be part of the meeting were intimidated and forced to join the party; and they were left with no option. After the said meeting, they left Nigeria to America to see President Obama at the white house. 

“The outcome of the meeting was not disclosed to BBC, CNN and ALJEEZERA or any other international news agency, neither did the northern governors disclose their mission of visiting Obama in America to any other journalist in Nigeria. Their agreements were sealed and remain unknown to the rest of other Nigerians till date.

“ While Jonathan led government was busy gunning down the terrorists at the north east region, and silently executing other ones who were caught alive at the battlefield; Jonathan gave a directive through his Army chief of staff, General Emeka Ihejirika to assemble the entire military weapon and other artillery to crush Boko Haram terrorist in other to have a free and fair election without any menace by the terrorist. 

“ Jonathan administration did not for any day free any terrorist or negotiate with them by paying a ransom, neither did he grant them a presidential pardon while forgiving their sins as the present administration is doing by tagging them repentant terrorist by reintegrating them back to the society and giving them free access to join the Nigerian Army and as well sending some of them to overseas for academic studies.

“ As a responsible diplomatic leader, Jonathan knew the implication of a government negotiating with a terrorist and its side effect at the global outlook in the international community. But Buhari's government saw nothing wrong in negotiating with terrorists, even after negotiation where there is a clear evidence of government paying millions of dollars to them, the government still denied in a broad day light that there was nothing like that but at the end of the day, the terrorist will come out and share video clips confirming their negotiation with the government and the money they paid. Sadly the government will tell Nigerian lies through Lai Mohammed, the minister for information and culture. These are facts which can be verified.

“ At the arrival of the northern governors from America, what Jonathan administration observed or learnt was that America stopped all their military weapon business negotiation deal with Nigeria. The  military arms which was sold to Nigeria was reported to be on the high sea coming to Nigeria was ordered to be returned back by the American government and the money Nigeria paid for the arms were not returned back, and this made Nigeria going into to the black market to buy arms In the country like Brazil as insecurity worsened. At the eve of the 2015 general election, America released their war Naval-ship to Nigeria, should incase Jonathan refuse to accept defeat.

“ Meanwhile America had predicted Nigeria break-up or going into cold war, as BBC, CNN and other international media houses and other platforms has painted the country black before other nations.

“ However on this power tussle shift, other northern governors and their prominent elders who are core Fulanis' like Nasri El-Rufai who is currently the Kaduna state governor, and Sheik Gumi who is today a mediator for Fulani Bandit terrorist left Nigeria to other African countries where Fulani tribes/descendant are found, they met with their fulani militia asking them to come and fight for their tribe in Nigeria that power want to be taken away from them. They were promised all manners of things, as they will be paid heavily and a place to stay in Nigeria will be given to them after they must have achieved their mission. They were instructed to cause mayhem or either cause a war in Nigeria if Jonathan refused to step down and as well accept defeat.

“ Unfortunately President Jonathan surprised Buhari and conceded a defeat by giving him a phone call congratulating him as the winner of the election before the announcement of the result by Independent electoral commission.

“ Previously, this reminded us a statement credited by Buhari before the general election, “If I don’t win election Baboons and the Hyena will soak in blood”. If it wasn’t the back up of America and the Fulani militia, what gave Buhari such courage and guts to make such statement to a government of a country?

“ After the election and Buhari was sworn in as a president, he fell out with the agreement he had with the Fulani militia he invited to Nigeria, sadly he no longer reach them out or neither pay them and take away the arms he gave them and send them back to their respective country instead Buhari and the rest of his Fulani brothers kept a deaf ear, as they began to kidnap northerners and at the same time killing people. The terrorists we call bandits today Buhari knows very much about them and he knows who they are and where they came from and as well knows about the emancipation of bandits reinforcement.

“ We could recall several times when El-rufai paid bandits millions of naira to stop killing people at the northern region, same El-rufai address bandits as business minded people who only kidnap but not for killing. At the same period, Sheik Gumi led the bandits to a negotiation of a meeting with the federal government. It’s quite unfortunate for federal government to deny their long romance with the bandits.

“ In some states in the northern region like, Kaduna, Kano, Sokoto, Zamfara, Niger, Bornu, Kastina and Adamawa , terrorists collect tax, provide food and security for the people living there, in other way round the terrorist has formed a government.

“ Across the globe, carefully check in any country that is having a civil unrest, conflict or a war, America has a hand in it. When there is war America benefits more, because it’s an avenue for them to sell their weapons for profit making.

“ Yes, Nigerians needed a change but they failed to ask some important and sensitive questions that required an answer. What kind of change do we really need? What type of change is this political party going to give us if we vote them in? How prepared are they? What is their political agenda? Dose it reflect to the plight of Nigeria in-turn to address it? what are the political antecedents and the track record of such characters asking for a CHANGE?

“ Unfortunately Nigerians where so unlucky and were in a hurry without putting things into consideration, as they found calamity and unrepentant pathological blame liars in search of solution, he said.


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