No Intelligent Obidient Will Pick On IPOB, Only Those Working For Tinubu or Atiku will.

By Elochukwu Ohagi, Philosopher, Teacher And Activist

No Intelligent Obidient will ever want to pick on IPOB, Only a stupid one or someone claiming to be Obidient but works for Atiku or Tinubu that will go out to start a media war with IPOB.

I have seen some of the Obidients threatening how people will desert IPOB should they provoke IPOB and IPOB move against them. I can only look at ignorant people wearing the toga of intellectuals. What is the essence of education when you can't properly read events and understand them.

They will keep talking about the people and I ask who are the people? Who is IPOB? And who are Obidients?

In case you don't know, IPOB is indigenous people of Biafra. The people you see online are just media warriors defending IPOB online. There are millions of IPOB members under oath and more millions of sympathisers whom are ever ready to defend IPOB and the freedom they so much desire.

IPOB is seeking for freedom for Biafra, but you think people will leave IPOB so that your One Nigeria will continue. You think freedom in anyway can be compared to Nigería presidency. 

That's same president Fulanii from the North have had for donkey years, yet they are the poverty capital of the earth, with terrorism and banditry ravaging them. Is it not the same presidency held by Jonathan and Obasanjo. 

How far for their people? But because you are Obidient, something you started few months ago, and some thing is already telling you that you can unseat IPOB, a movement that has stayed for years and gone through tick and tin. Are you guys not funny?

Did your government not say they will form a parallel freedom agitators? Did they not infiltrate IPOB? After they dished out millions in dollars for these people, can you tell us how it ended?

IPOB members has been kidnapped, disappeared and imprisoned in numbers yet they are still here demanding for freedom. Are you ready as an Obidient to go to prison for what you believe in? But thousands of IPOB members are in prison. Many went there and out, yet they are still IPOB members.

Hundreds of IPOB members have lost their jobs, more got their businesses and houses burnt down by Nigería military, yet they are still professing freedom for Biafra. So tell me dearest Obidients, are you ready to to lose job, businesses destroyed and houses burnt by Nigería military for what you believed in?

IPOB members have died in numbers for their believe in freedom for Biafra. Then tell us if you Obidients are ready to die for the One Nigería you believe in. Will you even have the mind to protest when rigged out? We know you can't, but somehow you think you can end IPOB.

IPOB is no longer a child's play. IPOB is a freedom movement with the acceptance of the people. IPOB has Eastern Security Network. IPOB has presence in more than 100 countries of the world. IPOB stands for justice.

It is only your foolishness that is propelling you to challenge the resolve of IPOB. This is the time for every Obidient to drop his or her arrogance and stop picking on IPOB. IPOB will never end until they restore Biafra.


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