RESPECT AND ITS MAGIC | #NwokeukwuMascot

Nwokeukwu Mascot Nnamdi

Chivalry is pretty much dead and gone in today’s modern world — we live in. Women aren’t as healing, nurturing, and soft as they used to be. Men are not as courageous, honorable, and strong as they used to be. It’s the degradation of a system based on ego and rigid intellectual coldness, a devolution of humanity.

Humanity is supposed to mean “benevolence” — and losing it is the only real fall from grace. To lose a natural sense of loving kindness and well meaning is to fall into darkness and shadow.

It may seem like an entirely archaic and outdated philosophy, but ego and rigid intellectual coldness are no sign of human advancement, neither is Technology a sign of spiritual evolutionary nor improvement.

In fact, such things are the opposite of what a spiritual evolutionary path and purpose even are — because a true spirituality is one that is in harmony with nature — not one that is destructive towards it. True spirituality is to have a benevolence towards others — not a coldness — not a selfishness — but a warmth.

So, although this might seem old-fashioned, we actually need it now, more than ever before. Because modern conveniences, education, entertainment, jobs, lifestyles, money, products, success, technology — these things mean absolutely nothing — without the basic fundamentals of what it actually means to be a true human being. Without the basic fundamentals of true human virtue — what good are we? None.

Common courtesy, decency, politeness and common sense. What are we without these things? Nothing. A lack of reverence isolates a person into intellectual coldness — becoming a drone to the collective machine of control. Mind you that’s Machines have no feeling. Machines have no soul. Machines are lifeless. Lifelessness means no vitality. Lifelessness means dead.

Consciousness, healing, perception, and vitality are all a matter of developing a genuine warmth. Love is a vibrational resonance of warmth. Kindness, generosity, and reverence are what grant it to you. This is to become a genuine human being — down to earth, natural, and real — authentic. It’s not enough to just pretend to be these things on the surface.

Political correctness and social niceties are mostly lip service front of an ego that’s silently harboring hidden dark inner attitudes, motives, and agendas. Pretending to love and respect everybody — while silently scowling and snarling at each other underneath the surface is evil, fake, and transparent.

And it can’t be the other end of the spectrum stuff either — the fake dippy, hippy stuff. Kindness, generosity, and reverence have to be something sincere and true from within, otherwise it means nothing. It’s simply a matter of being something real — genuine.

Humanity should be something natural. But for some strange reason, it just ain’t. It was lost.

Beyond the obvious, of which is… oh, I don’t know… that maybe it’s just better to be a good person — an honorable person — a true human being… the doorway to the celestial is directly related to the quality of your inner virtues. You have to have a reverence for nature.

You have to have a reverence for the divine feminine. You have to have a reverence for the divine masculine. You have to have a code of honor. Inner power is the ability to maintain it.



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