Dr Alex Chioma Otti

Dear Governor Alex C. Otti 

I hope this meets you well. 

The deployment of a digital payment platform in collecting Abia's IGR is a welcome development, which we hope will improve the revenue base of the state. We must however acknowledge that Ikpeazu's government introduced a similar system; however, it did not yield the expected benefits due to lack of required Executive support, and lack of intent to use the system for our collective good. 

Although you have reneged on your numerous promises of not collecting IGR until you improve Abia's business environment, we congratulate you on taking a tough and expected difficult decision to stop the collection of IGR into private pockets. Research shows that 70% of Abia's IGR end up in private pockets, we therefore appreciate your decision to intervene.

Dr, while we appreciate the intervention, there are however, a number of unanswered questions from your launch yesterday,  which need to be answered in a democracy.

1. Who owns the digital payment platforms, which are to be deployed for revenue collection in the state? The government or a private company? 

2. If it is a private company

- How were they selected for this exercise? 

- Did they go through a competitive tender process? 

- What are their charges? 

- What percentage do they charge per N1 collected through their system?

3. You spoke about Health Insurance for Keke Drivers and cyclists

- Who is the insurance provider?

- How were they selected?

- What percentage of the revenue collected is to be paid to this company?

- What hospitals are to be used for their treatments, and how were they selected?

- What type of insurance are we talking about ? Third party, Comprehensive,  etc.

- What was the involvement of the Keke Operators in this decision to sign them to insurance contracts?

4. Mr Okigbo, your SA on IGR was sacked by Governor Soludo for alleged fraud, and Abians have voiced strong opposition to his involvement in our revenue matters. As a government that prides on what you call integrity;

- Have you confirmed that he was not involved in a fraudulent activity in Anambra?

- Have you communicated to Abians why you have decided to keep him, after memos that were all over social media, showed that he was sacked for diversion of IGR in Anambra? I'm sure there may be genuine reasons, but Abians deserve to know.

5. I know that this revenue collection system was initiated and developed before the suspension of the Permanent Secretaries.

- Could you confirm their involvement in the process? 

- Was the State Ministry of Finance involved in this strategic decisions to use digital payment platforms and engage vendors?

6. Was the Paermanemt Secretary of the Ministry of Health and other relevant government agencies involved in the decision to start a Health Insurance Scheme? Were they involved in the selection of insurance providers?

Sir, there is no communication to Abians on what your government is working on or the decisions you are taking to develop the state.  You are obviously running the state with little or no communication, and that leaves us with many assumptions, which may not be true. Many view your governance style as a form of Sole Proprietorship.

Can we please get at least a White Paper detailing your  Government's Revenue Collection System, and the relevant details?

I understand your difficulty in transitioning from corporate governance to public sector leadership, which makes you appear a bit autocratic or dictatorial; however,  it is important that you begin to quickly accept and adapt to democratic principles in your governance of the state.

We expect to hear and read more on this Revenue Collection System and the Insurance Scheme..

Best regards as we work together to make Abia democratic and prosperous. 

Your brother

Ekeoma Stephen Nkoro.


Cc. Ferdinand Ekeoma 

      Kazie Uko

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