How Gov. Alex Otti, who operates from his home, spent over N9bn on his office activities in 3 months, exposed as Eke O. Ako and Eric Ikwuagwu analysed 2023 Q3 of Abia State Governance Costs(audio) | #NwokeukwuMascot


Analyzing the Expenditure of Gov Alex Otti: Unveiling the 3-Month Spending of over N9bn in Abia State Cost ot Governance | #NwokeukwuMascot 

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In a recent discussion on Flo 94.9 FM Umuahia, esteemed analysts Eke O Ako and Eric Dwyse Ikwuagwu delved into the intriguing topic of Gov Alex Otti’s expenditure during the third quarter of 2023 in Abia State governance. The figures revealed a staggering amount of over N9bn spent within just three months, prompting a closer examination of the governor’s activities and its implications for the state.

The discussion began by shedding light on the significance of such a substantial expenditure within a short period. Eke O Ako emphasized that this level of spending demands transparency and accountability from the governor’s office, as it directly affects the lives of the citizens. Eric Dwyse Ikwuagwu echoed this sentiment, stressing the importance of scrutinizing the allocation of funds to ensure they are utilized for the betterment of the state.

The analysts then delved into the breakdown of the expenditure, analyzing the various sectors and projects that received substantial funding. They highlighted the importance of investing in critical areas such as infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and job creation.

However, concerns were raised regarding the allocation of funds, as some sectors seemed to receive disproportionately high amounts compared to others, raising questions about the governor’s priorities and the equitable distribution of resources.

Click here to listen to the full conversation


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