Abia Governor Unmasked as Key Culprit in Eze Aroship Debacle, Arochukwu Royal Media Team Reveals | #NwokeukwuMascot


Governor Alex Chioma Otti Exposed for Orchestrating Events Leading to Eze Aro's Incarceration |#NwokeukwuMascot 

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Abia State, Nigeria - In a shocking revelation, the Arochukwu Royal Media Team has come forward to expose Governor Alex Chioma Otti's direct involvement in the Eze Aroship debacle and subsequent incarceration of Eze Aro. Dismissing the governor's deceptive tactics, the media team urges the world not to be fooled.

Citing the importance of protecting the truth and the freedom of expression, the media team quotes Lord Southwood, stating, "The priceless heritage of the free and independent interchange of thought is not to be kept without ceaseless vigilance. Only by guarding the truth itself can we guard the greatest of all our liberties - the right to proclaim the truth. On that liberty rests the destiny of millions."

Adding to this sentiment, Ralph Emerson echoes the significance of truth, stating, "that the greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it." In light of the prevailing misinformation spread by Abia State Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Prince Uzor Nwachukwu, and Abia State Commissioner for Information, the media team aims to expose the truth.

The Arochukwu Royal Media Team wishes to emphasize that Governor Alex Chioma Otti is the mastermind behind the Eze Aroship debacle that has captured public attention. Through their statement, they seek to unravel the governor's carefully crafted web of deception and set the record straight.

According to the media team's investigation, Governor Alex Chioma Otti has employed the machinery of government to manipulate public perception with a deluge of lies. By controlling the narrative through high-ranking officials, the governor has successfully misled the public regarding his involvement in the controversial events surrounding Eze Aro.

However, the Arochukwu Royal Media Team is determined to unveil the truth and debunk the governor's misrepresentations. Drawing attention to Governor Chioma Otti's direct and personal involvement, they assert that he should be held accountable for his actions in the Eze Aroship debacle.

In their press release, the media team urges the public not to succumb to the governor's empty gimmicks. They highlight the urgent need for transparency and assert that only by exposing the truth can justice prevail. Encouraging the world to remain vigilant, they emphasize that the destiny of millions depends on the protection and affirmation of the fundamental principle of truth.

The statement reads in full: “Let The World Not be Deceived: Governor Alex Chioma Otti Is Personally And Directly Behind The Entire  Eze Aroship Debacle And Incarceration Of  Eze Aro.

"The priceless heritage of the free and independent interchange of thought is not to be kept without ceaseless vigilance. Only by guarding the truth itself can we guard the greatest of all our liberties-the right to proclaim the truth. On that liberty rests the destiny of millions".

“Lord Southwood.Further to this, Ralp Emerson said "that the greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it". We want to unveil the truth since through the machinery of government, people are already believing the dummy called lies as told by Abia State Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftiancy Affairs, Prince Uzor Nwachukwu and Abia State Commissioner for Information and Culture, Prince Okey Kanu. Ironically,  the two Princes connived to feed the world with magnet of lies. Bearing in mind that the liberty of man lies in knowing the truth, the truth we shall serve you. If the government feels so strong about it, they can still go ahead to unleash oppression through security agencies.

“After the rightful crowning of His Majesty Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke as  IX Eze of Arochukwu Kingdom on 20th October, all hell was let loose. The Governor's men led by one Mr Ugochukwu Okoroafor pressured Eze ibom Isii to uncrown the crowned and crown their preferred candidate Nwamazi Pastor Ebere Oji whose father is still alive (major reason why he wasn't selected and crowned). It is therefore wrong for the two government Princes to claim that Aro doesn't have Eze. 

“The above crowning action by Eze Ibom Isii who's the only one traditionally empowered to crown earned him immediate suspension letter through a poorly delivered content from Prince Nwachukwu. At that point, Governor denied knowledge of those actions. However, we have evidence to show that the Governor himself approved the suspension of Eze Ibom Isii,  HRH Eze Kanu Nwa Kanu because he crowned His Majesty. He cannot now deny not having interest on who becomes Eze Aro. He has vested interest.

“The Governor on 29th November, 2023 invited His Majesty to his Nvosi home for a meeting. It went well as he called for calm and promised to resolve the issues amicably. The Governor invited him again on 10th December, 2023 for a followup meeting and this time Nwamazi Pastor Ebere was in attendance. His Excellency didn't spare His Majesty as he insulted, abused, humiliated and threatened His Majesty right before Ebere. His Majesty documented details of that meeting and some of the things the Governor vomited was that he is the alfa and omega as Governor and can give anyone Eze; that he can appoint a mad man or native doctor as Eze; that he has power to banish him while mentioning Sultan of Sokoto and Emir of Kano; that he cares less about culture and traditions as he can do anything etc. He told him to bury his interest as Eze Aro without offering reasons and showed bold preference for Ebere. In that meeting,  His Majesty thanked and made two requests. First was begging him not to destroy age long Arochukwu culture and traditions and secondly to put everything he said on paper and sign. His Majesty articulated those points which he submitted to Governor's Panel when they invited him and till today Governor has neither denied the veracity of that document as released by His Majesty nor wrote any signed letter as he promised a month after the meeting. Pastor Ebere should come out publicly to deny the content of the above. How can the two Abia public servant Princes feed the public with lies that Governor Otti is not behind it? Surely His Excellency has vested interest. 

“His Majesty Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke was crowned on 20th October, 2023. By early November, 2023, Pastor Nwamazi Ebere's banners and fliers where all over Arochukwu promoting Ebere's so called *Eze Aro Coronation Crusade* with Rev Uma Ukpai between 22nd and 24th December, 2023 whereas his planned Coronation was billed for 26th December,  2023 during Aro Day at Civic Centre, Arochukwu. It was promoted in all social media and mainstream media platforms with active connivance of State Government and security agencies headed by Governor Alex Chioma Otti. It was when the protest against such diabolical venture and heat exerted on Nzuko Aro that they buried the coronation idea. The invitees included some governors, former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Aso villa shakers, Ministers and we have a congratulatory message from a Minister meant for Ebere. That letter was withdrawn when the Minister unravelled the truth. *Question* : how can Governor Otti  deny interest and claim not to be aware of such high profile event and what effort did he make to stop it? He's bigger than that. His Excellency has vested interest. 

“On December 23nd a respected and illustrious son of Arochukwu Kingdom,  Mazi Chikwe Udensi on the prompting of Governor Alex Otti convened *Peace, Reconciliation and Security* meeting at his house with a view to resolving the impasse. His Majesty Eze Godwin Kanu Idei,  Prince Ebere Oji,  the Arianzu Aro, Eze Ibom Isii,  Eze Ezeagwu,  PG Nzuko Aro, PG Okennachi, Eze Utughugwu,  Eze Otusi, Palace Secretary and security agencies were part of the meeting.  Far reaching decisions were made on the way forward. Remarkably, all coronation,  celebrations, crusade etc were suspended as well as lifting suspension placed on Eze Ibom Isii and Eze Ibom Isii who was already in court was asked to withdraw all cases and they agreed as a small Committee was set up. 60 days was given for Presentation, deliberation and adoption of report. Curiously, on 26th December, 2023 night after the flopped Aro Day as organized by Nzuko Aro which had Governor  Alex Otti in attendance as Umu Aro shunned the annual event as a sign of protest against the State government a meeting held at Governor Alex Otti's home at Barracks Arochukwu. He fumed and said a lot of things boasting that he can do anything that pleases him. He said if he is not wanted in Aro he will go back to Ngwa vowing to appoint an Eze Aro of his choice. His Excellency finally dissolved the Sir Chikwe Udensi Committee and all decisions taken thereby returning Aro to the trenches and Eze Aro reclaimed his position. Please refers to press release personally signed by Mazi Chikwe Udensi himself. In this instance, how can the Governor claim he doesn't have interest. If the Commissioners have Honour left in them, they ought to resign in principle by now for willful deceit.

“The petition that led to the forceful invasion of the Eze Aro Palace Arochukwu on Friday 5th January, 2024 was authored by Mr Paul Ogubunka, an Umuahia man.  Mr Ogubunka is Governor Alex Otti staff whom he swore in as Permanent Secretary/State Solicitor working under the Commissioner of Justice and Attorney General of Abia State. The petition was a government sponsored petition. Governor Otti is the Head of Government of Abia State. The petition with Warrant of Arrest Order procured from a Magistrate Court empowered the invasion, siege, arrest, detention and arraignment of His Majesty on Monday 8th January,  2024. How then can the Governor stoope so low denying the obvious. Boldness and courage are part of governance. How can the Governor exonerate himself from the web of conspiracy? It's a sacrilege and a confirmation that he has no respect for culture and traditions of Arochukwu Kingdom.  Can he arrest and detain a first class Chief from Ngwa for no known offense for 3 days? Can Obi of Onitsha, Oba of Benin, Ooni of Ife, Oba of Lagos, Sultan of Sokoto, Emir of Kano be so humiliated for no known offense for 3 days? The Agents of this provocateur are people not knowledgeable in culture and traditions of Arochukwu Kingdom as a result of when they realized the Aroship in them and migrated to Aro. However, thanks for making the Eze Aro an instant celebrity by reason of your error. More of such errors will enhance his rating at your detriment.

“As we write, we have privileged information on the next options of the Governor and his cabal. Once more, Arochukwu  is a Kingdom gazetted by colonial masters and not a creation of East East Central  State, Imo State or Abia State. Arochukwu is not an autonomous Community. You can't turn the tireless hands of the clock. No true Aro blood can arrest the Aro Ancestors and Umu Aro as represented by Eze Aro stool for 3 days as he was subjected to indecent treatments.

“Leave His Majesty Eze Godwin Kanu Idei Kanu Okoro Oke alone to breath. You can settle Pastor Ebere Oji with political appointment or allocate vast land for him and sponsor meager church building for him. Thereafter, you can appoint him General Overseer and get House of Assembly to make a law compelling all your appointees to worship in that church.

“Arochukwu must be left for Nde Arochukwu to resolve Arochukwu matters in Arochukwu ways based on Arochukwu culture and traditions.”

As the controversy surrounding the Eze Aroship debacle continues to unfold, the Arochukwu Royal Media Team's revelations shed new light on the situation, paving the way for a clearer understanding of the events and individuals involved. The team's bold stance against deception and their unwavering commitment to the pursuit of truth resonates with those seeking justice in this ongoing saga.


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