Federal Government Revokes Umuahia-Bende-Ohafia Road Contract Over Non-Performance: Rep Member Reveals | #NwokeukwuMascot


 Hon Ibe-Okwara Osonwa 

The Federal Government has revoked the contract for the Umuahia-Bende-Ohafia federal road due to the under-performance of the construction firm initially assigned to the project. This was disclosed by Hon. Ibe Okwara Osonwa, the representative for Arochukwu/Ohafia federal constituency, during a press conference in Umuahia.

Ibe Okwara expressed his dissatisfaction with the contractor's slow progress, noting that the project has been stagnant for several years. He emphasized that the Federal Government is seeking a more competent contractor to take over and complete the project efficiently.

The Labour Party lawmaker highlighted the critical condition of the Nmori bridge, constructed by the Federal Emergency Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA), which is under serious erosion threat due to the delays in the road project. Osonwa also announced that a new contract has been awarded for the construction of the Omenuko bridge before Abam, with work expected to commence soon.

Osonwa reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring equitable distribution of constituency projects, stating that he allows each community to select their preferred projects during town hall meetings. He highlighted this approach as a move away from the era of imposing projects on constituents.

In addition, Ibe Okwara noted the harmonious collaboration among the Abia caucus of the National Assembly members, regardless of party affiliations. He praised the efforts of Governor Alex Ott in repositioning the state, asserting that there is now a sense of pride in being from Abia.

Addressing the power supply issues in Ohafia, Ibe Okwara condemned the power distribution company for billing the community N2.1 billion despite not providing electricity for over five years. He called for urgent reforms in the power sector, emphasizing that resolving the power issues would significantly reduce production costs and boost economic activities in Nigeria.

Ibe Okwara also discussed his legislative efforts, including a bill proposing the conversion of Ohafia General Hospital to a Federal Medical Centre to better serve the large population and neighboring states. He expressed optimism about the approval of N2 billion for erosion control in his constituency, pending presidential approval.

Regarding the proposed new minimum wage, Ibe Okwara supported an increase but suggested N100,000 as a more realistic figure compared to the N497,000 demanded by labor unions, underscoring the necessity of an upward salary review due to the rising cost of living.

The lawmaker advocated for a type of democracy that reduces the cost of governance, stating that ongoing consultations aim to create a workable, home-grown democratic system suitable for Nigeria's unique challenges.

On the issue of creating an additional state for the South-East geopolitical zone, Osonwa supported the initiative but recommended adopting the 2014 constitutional conference's recommendations, which had already addressed the matter.

Finally, Ibe Okwara  reiterated the South-East National Assembly caucus's unwavering stance on the unconditional release of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. He expressed hope for Kanu's imminent release and urged his constituents to disregard opposition propaganda.


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