Governor Otti's Secret Deals and Purported Financial Mismanagement: Why He Fears the PDP | #NwokeukwuMascot


Why Is Otti Afraid of the PDP? By Uche Aguoru | #NwokeukwuMascot 

 Dr Alex Chioma Otti 

I read a piece titled "THE PDP's WEB  OF DECEIT AND THE LIMITS OF PROPAGANDA" written by Mr Okey Kanu, Governor Otti's Commissioner for information where he repeated a quote by - Joseph Goebbels "THERE WILL COME A DAY WHEN ALL THE LIES WILL COLLAPSE UNDER THEIR OWN WEIGHT AND THE TRUTH WILL AGAIN TRIUMPH" 

For the benefit of those who may not know "Joseph Goebbels" was Adolph Hitler's ally and long-standing follower who propagated and defended the killing of Six million Jews during the holocaust, Goebbels, alongside his boss Hitler was directly responsible for that genocide and the quotes from this devilish character is what serves as an inspiration to Governor Otti and his style of government. it is therefore not surprising why his administration lacks empathy.

Paul Joseph Goebbels was chief propagandist for the Nazi Party, and then Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler's closest and most devoted followers, known for his skills in public speaking and his deeply virulent antisemitism which was evident in his publicly voiced views. 

Goebbels advocated progressively harsher discrimination, including the extermination of the Jews in the Holocaust. shockingly no government across the globe apart from Governor Otti of Abia state will want to align with the thinking and policy style of Hitlers Nazy Germany and this is very scary and accounts for the mindset of the Otti administration towards Abians.

Governor Otti we are not unaware of your intolerance to opposition and criticism and your plans to infiltrate the PDP using all those elements that conspired against the party to give you the undue advantage you had in the last election.

It's not lost on us how you, in  connivance with well-known conspirators within the PDP fold are planning to weaken and possibly factionalize the party

Governor Otti why are you afraid of the PDP? 

It's a globally acknowledged fact that the Abia PDP despite your efforts and evil machinations to weaken it remains the only strong and potent opposition to your government, and has exposed the huge financial malfeasance, ridiculous inflation of contract amounts, and corrupt activities that have characterized your government, PDP is fighting to keep democracy alive in Abia state, what we have today under your leadership is not democracy but dictatorship, a situation where the governor approves and disburse funds from his bedroom without recourse to the house of assembly, how will one explain the embarrassment that happened at the legislative chamber a few days ago where the speaker was threatening to cancel a deal with INNOSON Motors without knowing that the company is yet to receive payment one year after?

My governor suspending your Commissioner for Health, Dr. Ngozi Okonkwo, and making her the fall guy does not address the questions of humongous corruption and stealing that has become the hallmark of your administration, the fiscal irresponsibility and official roguery exposed through the quarterly financial reports published in the states official website is mind-blowing.

The suspension of Dr. Okonkwo and Pastor Dike Nwankwo is nothing but a smokescreen, Abians are aware that 4 other commissioners that you cannot muster the courage to touch because of the information at their disposal are under probe for offenses bordering on financial impropriety, the fiscal irresponsibility being experienced under your watch is what have hindered anti-kleptocracy efforts and created new corruption opportunities for state officials and their enablers, My governor can you be bold and tell the world the real reason you removed your Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Kazie Uko and what is his connection to the former Health Commissioner and alleged corruption charges?

Under your watch in just one year, wasteful expenditures, plundering of resources, insensitivity to plights of citizens, egoistic squandering of state resources on self, hatred, and nepotism have been elevated to official state policies.

You have shown that your campaign promises of transparency and financial prudence are mere rhetoric and your intentions are different from your words, what we have in Abia today are weakened institutions and a powerful dictator without empathy who enjoys seeing the poor civil servant and common Abian suffer, at no time have Abians been more impoverished and financially ruined than now.

According to Governor Otti's commissioner for information, the administration gave transparency as the reason his government announced the suspension of Dr. Okonkwo, my simple question to you, is why is it that you have not announced the cost of projects since you assumed office as the state's image maker?  

Why are Abians kept in the dark about the cost of projects being done under a government that claims to be transparent?

Lest I forget, Abians have applied both native and artificial intelligence in their search for these multi-billion naira facilities you claimed to have built. 

1. The #3.4bn ICT center. 

2. The #6.1bn Research and Capacity Building Center 

3. The #3.77bn Office Buildings 

4. The #4.57bn Public Schools 

5. The #2.8bn Governor's Vehicles 

6. The #1.6bn Agric Facility 

7. The #2bn Hospital 

Governor Otti, If there is anybody who deserves a suspension for corruption, my Governor it is you.


 About the Author, Mr Uche Aguoru

Mr Uche Aguoru 
Uche Aguoru is a Journalist, seasoned political analyst and public affairs commentator, known for his incisive critiques and thought-provoking insights on Nigerian politics. With years of experience in analyzing governance and political dynamics, Aguoru has become a respected voice in advocating for transparency, accountability, and good governance. His writings often highlight the intricacies of political maneuvering and the impact of leadership decisions on the populace. A dedicated watchdog of democratic principles, Uche Aguoru continues to engage the public through his sharp and compelling analyses.

#NewAbia #Otti #ABSG #LP


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