Ten(10) signs someone is genuinely a good person, according to psychology | #NwokeukwuMascot


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There’s a difference between someone appearing good and someone being genuinely good. This distinction is often subtle and hard to pinpoint. But according to psychology, there are clear signs that can help us identify who’s genuinely good.

Being a good person isn’t just about being nice to others. It involves authenticity, empathy, and respect. In this article, we’ll explore ten signs that someone is genuinely a good person. And remember, these signs might look simple but they tell us a lot about someone’s true character:

1) Consistent kindness:

Being nice is easy when you’re in a good mood or when it’s convenient. But being genuinely good is about more than just isolated moments of kindness.

According to psychology, one of the most reliable signs of a genuinely good person is consistent kindness. This means showing kindness and respect to others, not just when it’s easy or beneficial, but even when it’s hard or inconvenient.

Think about it. We all have bad days and moments when we’re under pressure. Yet, some people still manage to treat others with respect and empathy, regardless of their own circumstances.

This isn’t about being a pushover or letting others walk all over you. It’s about treating others with the same dignity and respect you’d want for yourself, no matter the situation.

If someone you know consistently demonstrates kindness, even in tough times, there’s a good chance they’re genuinely good. But remember, it’s about consistency, not isolated acts of kindness.

2) Authenticity:

We’ve all met people who seem to change their personality depending on who they’re with. But genuinely good people don’t do that. They’re authentic, and they stay true to who they are, regardless of the situation or company.

For instance, I have a friend named Sam. He’s one of the most genuine people I know. Whether he’s talking to his boss, his friends, or a waiter at a restaurant, he always remains the same. He doesn’t put on airs or try to be someone he’s not.

His authenticity is one of his most admirable traits. It shows that he respects himself and others enough to be himself. And according to psychology, this authenticity is a key sign of a genuinely good person.

If you know someone who’s the same person in every situation, there’s a good chance they’re genuinely good. They’re not changing their behaviour to impress others or gain an advantage, they’re simply being themselves.

3) Empathy:

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s about more than just sympathizing with someone; it’s about trying to see things from their perspective.

In a study published by the American Psychological Association, it was found that people who demonstrate high levels of empathy are more likely to engage in helpful behaviors. They’re also less likely to engage in behaviors that harm others.

A genuinely good person will often display empathy, even towards those they may not know well. They’re capable of putting themselves in someone else’s shoes, and they use this understanding to guide their actions and decisions. They value the feelings and experiences of others, and it shows in their actions.

4) Integrity:

Integrity involves being honest, having strong moral principles, and being consistent in one’s actions, values, methods, and outcomes. Psychologists suggest that an individual with high integrity is likely to be trusted by others. They stand by their principles, even when it’s not convenient or beneficial for them.

A genuinely good person will display integrity in their actions. They will do what’s right, even when nobody is watching. They believe in honesty and moral uprightness, and they are willing to stand by these principles, regardless of the circumstances. Their actions align with their values, and they’re not easily swayed by societal pressures or personal gain.

5) Respect for others:

Respect is more than just being nice to someone. It involves acknowledging the worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their background, beliefs, or personal traits. Psychology suggests that respectful people often have a deep sense of self-worth and empathy. They understand that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and kindness.

A genuinely good person will display respect for others in their actions and words. They won’t belittle or demean others to make themselves feel superior. Instead, they appreciate the unique qualities each person brings to the table. If someone consistently shows respect towards everyone they interact with, they’re likely a genuinely good person. They value people for who they are, not what they can do for them.

6) Compassion:

Compassion is more than just feeling sorry for someone. It’s about understanding their pain and wanting to do something to alleviate it.

A genuinely good person often displays a high level of compassion. They’re not only moved by the suffering of others, but they also feel compelled to act and help in any way they can. I’ve seen this compassion in action when communities come together to support those who are going through a hard time.

It’s in these moments that you see the true character of people shine through – individuals reaching out, offering support, and doing whatever they can to help.They feel deeply, and they let their compassion guide their actions.

7) Gratitude:

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. It’s about acknowledging the good things in life and recognizing the role others play in our happiness.

I’ve found that no matter what I’m going through, acknowledging the things I’m grateful for helps me maintain a positive outlook. It reminds me of the goodness in my life and in others.

A genuinely good person often displays gratitude. They don’t take things for granted. Instead, they appreciate what they have and show their appreciation to others. If someone frequently expresses gratitude, they’re likely a genuinely good person. They recognize the value in others and the world around them, and they aren’t afraid to express it.

8) They accept fault:

Nobody’s perfect, and we all make mistakes. However, it’s how we handle these mistakes that truly defines our character.

Psychology suggests that those who can admit when they’re wrong and take responsibility for their actions display a high level of emotional maturity. It’s not an easy thing to do, and it seems somewhat paradoxical. But acknowledging our faults is indeed a sign of strength, not weakness. A genuinely good person will be able to accept their faults. They won’t shift blame or make excuses. Instead, they own up to their mistakes and learn from them.

They understand that mistakes are part of being human, and they use them as opportunities for growth.

9) Humility:

Humility involves having a modest view of one’s own importance. It’s about recognizing that we’re all equal and that no one is superior to anyone else.

Psychology suggests that humble people often display a high level of self-awareness. They understand their strengths and weaknesses, and they don’t feel the need to boast about their achievements.

A genuinely good person will often display humility in their interactions with others. They won’t seek to dominate conversations or make everything about them. Instead, they listen, respect other people’s viewpoints, and acknowledge others’ contributions. They understand that everyone has something valuable to contribute, and they don’t let their ego get in the way of recognizing this.

10) Selflessness:

At the core of being a genuinely good person is selflessness. It’s about putting the needs and wellbeing of others before your own.

A genuinely good person often prioritizes others, not out of obligation or for personal gain, but because they genuinely care. They find joy in giving and helping others, and their actions often reflect this.

If you know someone who often puts others before themselves, they’re likely a genuinely good person. They understand that true fulfillment comes from enriching the lives of others, not just their own.

The essence of goodness:

The complexity of human nature and behaviour is often deeply entwined with our psychological makeup. One such link is the connection between authenticity and the traits we’ve discussed that define a genuinely good person.

Psychology suggests that these traits – consistent kindness, authenticity, empathy, integrity, respect for others, compassion, gratitude, acceptance of fault, humility, and selflessness – are not just separate qualities. Rather, they form a cohesive whole, painting a picture of what it means to be genuinely good.

What’s important to remember is that being genuinely good isn’t about being perfect. It’s about striving to better oneself and positively impact those around you. It’s about embracing our flaws and using them as stepping stones towards becoming better versions of ourselves.

Whether it’s showing kindness to a stranger, being true to oneself even when it’s difficult, or acknowledging our mistakes and learning from them, the underlying psychology might be shaping our journey towards goodness.

So as you navigate life and encounter different people, keep these signs in mind. And remember, genuine goodness is not just about how we treat others but also how we treat ourselves. Did you like my article? Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed.


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